A therapeutic program for individuals
experiencing persistent and severe symptoms of schizophrenia,
this program has a focus on personal adjustment to one’s
disability. The goal of the program is to assist participants
to learn the skills needed to minimize the impact of symptoms
on their ability to live independently in the community.

Designed for elders with serious and persistent mental illness,
this therapeutic program has a focus on wellness and community
integration. The goal of the program is to help participants
in maintaining their health, home and independence throughout
their retirement years.

A program designed to meet the needs of adults who are diagnosed
with a mental illness and a co-occurring substance abuse
disorder. The program uses an abstinence model with a twelve-step
focus and is holistic in its approach to skill acquisition,
community integration, relapse prevention and pre-employment

This program is designed to assist young adults, aged 18-25
who have recently experienced their first psychotic episode,
to cope with the symptoms of their illness and accommodate
for and assimilate them into their lives. Using a positive
peer model, each group of 15 participants enters and graduates
the program together. The program has a strong focus on personal
adjustment, employment readiness and health maintenance.

A continual cycle of 16 week classes are offered to adults
with psychiatric illness in a wide range of topics designed
to meet the rehabilitation needs of participants. The focus
of the program is on skill attainment relative to all aspects
of community living. The goal of the program is to prepare
participants for employment services, a return to post-secondary
education, and a move to a more independent housing arrangement.
